UK to Spend $12B on New Military Tech, Weapons Stockpiles.

The UK continues to invest in autonomous system to gain advantage on the battlefield. Photo, UK MoD


The UK has announced plans to invest 9.1 billion pounds ($11.8 billion) to develop new military technologies and replenish weapons stockpiles sent to Ukraine.

As mentioned in the long-awaited Defence Command Paper, around 6.6 billion pounds ($8.6 billion) will be earmarked for enhancing the country’s robotics, human augmentation, and directed energy capabilities.

The defense ministry vowed to make the UK a “science and technology superpower” to gain a tactical edge on the battlefield.

“We must adapt and modernize to meet the threats we face, taking in the lessons from President Putin’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine,” British defense secretary Ben Wallace said.

Once the program is underway, the new military technologies would reportedly ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of military capability and a leading power in NATO.

Replenishing Stockpiles.

London remains the second major contributor of military aid packages to Ukraine behind the US.

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, the UK has committed more than 4.6 billion pounds ($6 billion) in military assistance to Kyiv.

Among its donations are long-range cruise missiles sent in May this year to help drive out Moscow’s forces.

As the military aid packages create a hole in the UK military inventory, the country plans to spend 2.5 billion pounds ($3.2 billion) procuring replacements.

The ministry did not disclose the specific weapons to be purchased from the new defense funding.