Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered completion of Covid vaccination of health workers by February 5 in the state. After that the vaccination of frontline workers will start. Yesterday, Uttar Pradesh conducted the highest numbers of vaccinations in the country.
On Friday, more than 168000 health workers were vaccinated which was 75% of the target. The vaccination drive was conducted at 2,076 centres. State government has fixed two days Thursday and Friday of the week for the vaccination and in the last 2 days more than 2 lakh 94 thousand health workers got vaccines.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked officials to complete the vaccination to the health workers by 5th February. vaccination drive for frontline workers in the state will also start from 5th February.
Government has set the deadline of 25th March 2021 for the completion of the both round of vaccination of health workers as well as frontline workers. From 25th March vaccines will be given to the people over 50 years of age.