In Punjab, Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann announced the creation of 3,000 new posts for Anganwadi workers and the opening of new recruitment opportunities for women.
Addressing a gathering during a state-level function to mark the festival of Raksha Bandhan in Barnala today, he said that the state government has already started the process for this, and recruitment for these posts will begin very soon.
He said that this is a step forward toward empowering women by opening new avenues of employment for them. He added that the state government is making concerted efforts for women’s empowerment. ⁸
He said this is a step forward towards empowering women by opening new avenues of employment for them.
Mann further said the government is also actively and sympathetically considering the genuine demands of ASHA workers.
The Chief Minister said the government is making concerted efforts for women empowerment.
He said six districts are having women officers as Senior Superintendent of Police and eight districts have women Deputy Commissioners. Mann said efforts are also being made for the welfare of the girls and these initiatives are producing desired results.