Roposo, India’s No. 1 video-sharing social networking platform,has recently launched its ‘Pride of India’ program, a collaboration with Indian achievers like Babita Phogat, Chandro Tomar, Neel Ghose and Sangram Singh. The multifaceted program recognizes remarkable Indians by providing them with a platform to mentor and inspire fellow Indians.
India is a land of many talents. Many Indians have made it big in their chosen field and many more are waiting to be discovered. Roposo believes that each of us has an innate talent that needs a bit of inspiration and a platform to shine.
The inaugural phase of the program kickstarts with Babita Phogat, India’s first gold medal winner in women’s wrestling at the Commonwealth Games, Chandro Tomar aka Shooter Dadi, who at the age of 88 years is the oldest woman sharpshooter in the world, Sangram Singh, the world's best wrestler (as per World Wrestling Professionals), and Neel Ghose, whose Robin Hood Army is on a mission to feed 30 million citizens.
“Just like age has no bearing on my achievements, Roposo is an all-encompassing platform that doesn’t differentiate across statures. I am happy to contribute to a platform that doesn’t put constraints on unlocking one’s full potential,” says Chandro Tomar.
Each Pride of India mentor will have a Roposo profile to share their experiences and life lessons with other aspiring Indians through innovative Roposo-styled short-video capsules.