Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing an event through video conferencing to mark the special occasion of the 90th birthday of most Revered Doctor Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan, said that people have to be even more careful now in their fight against COVID-19. He said, wearing masks, social distancing, do gaz ki doori, avoiding crowded places, are still important.
PM Modi said, earlier this year, some people had predicted that the impact of the virus in India would be very severe. But due to timely lockdown, many initiatives taken by the Government and a people driven fight, India is much better placed than many other nations. PM Narendra Modi said, India’s recovery rate is rising. He said, a people driven fight has given good results so far but we cannot let our guard down.
PM Modi said, the world is fighting a strong battle against a global pandemic and COVID-19 is not only a physical sickness that is a threat to lives of people. He said, it also takes our attention to unhealthy life-styles.
PM Modi said, in the last few weeks, Government of India has addressed both short-term and long-term issues relating to the economy. He said, from the sea to space, from the farms to the factories, people-friendly and growth friendly decisions have been taken.
The Prime Minister said, Government wants to ensure better technology, infrastructure and making value chains stronger. He said, Government has taken decisions not from comfortable Government offices in Delhi but after feedback from people of the ground.