Lockheed Delivers Aegis Combat Software for New US Navy Frigate.

Illustration of US Navy’s first Constellation-class frigate. Photo, Lockheed Martin.

Lockheed Martin has delivered the combat systems software for the future FFG 62 Constellation-class lead warship.

Lockheed has customized the Aegis Weapon System Baseline 10 (BL 10) variant software to the guided-missile frigate’s unique requirements, delivering it through the common source library (CSL).

The CSL serves as a storehouse of all Aegis system computer programs, allowing scalable combat capabilities for Aegis-equipped vessels.

“The CSL supports a number of the surface navy’s platforms, including Aegis cruisers and destroyers, littoral combat ships, coast guard cutters, and international Aegis-equipped allies,” Lockheed explained.

“The CSL also reduces the navy’s costs through common software development, systems engineering, and training.”

USS Constellation Frigates.

The software’s delivery three years prior to the frigate’s scheduled introduction reduces risks.

The small surface combatant warship is expected to operate in conjunction with large surface combatants such as cruisers and destroyers in higher-threat operating environments, or independently, particularly in lower-threat operating environments.

The 496-foot ship will have a maximum speed of over 26 knots (29 miles per hour/47 kilometers per hour) and a range of 6,000 nautical miles (11,112 kilometers/691 miles).

The warship is expected to feature 32 Vertical Launch System cells to deploy missiles and machine guns.

The frigate’s expected missions include anti-air warfare, anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, and electromagnetic warfare operations.

The navy plans to procure a total of 20.