In Telangana, three-day Makar Sankranti festivities commenced with people celebrating Bhogi today with traditional fervour and gaiety. Our correspondent reports that the post-harvest festival is being celebrated across the state but predominantly in rural areas as all segments of society celebrate the festival with much pomp and gaiety.
The three-day celebrations kicked off with Bhogi or burning of old and unwanted items like old clothes, mats and broom sticks in the belief that new things would be ushered into their lives.
People in villages and towns began the day with Bhogi and prayers. Men, women and children were seen playing and dancing around the bonfire.
Villages and towns in both the Telugu states came alive with traditional celebrations to mark the harvest festival. Devotees thronged temples for special puja on the occasion.
Ministers, MPs, state legislators and leaders of all political parties participated in Bhogi in various parts of the two states. Former Vice-President of India, M. Venkaiah Naidu celebrated Bhogi along with family members at his son’s farmhouse at Medipally on the outskirts of Hyderabad.