Qatar in talks to free up to 15 hostages in exchange for 1 to 2 days halt in fighting.

People walk outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, on which pictures of the hostages taken by Palestinian terrorists in the October 7 attack are projected, November 6, 2023.

Hamas claims deal would be for 12 captives, half American.

Egyptian report claims Cairo-brokered swap deal near.

33 IDF soldiers killed since start of Gaza ground operation.

Talks are underway for the release of a dozen hostages held by Hamas, including six Americans, in return for a three-day ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, a source close to Hamas claims.

“Talks revolve around the release of 12 hostages, half of them Americans, in exchange for a three-day humanitarian pause, to enable Hamas to release the hostages and to enable Egypt an extended [period of time] to deliver humanitarian aid,” the source claims.

Egyptian report: Cairo close to securing deal on humanitarian pause, prisoner swap.

A report in the semiofficial Egyptian news outlet Al-Akhbar claims that Cairo is close to reaching a deal for a humanitarian pause in fighting in Gaza in exchange for a swap of prisoners and hostages being held by Hamas.

Reports earlier today indicated that Qatar also believes it is close to securing a deal.