Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Assam and West Bengal tomorrow. He will dedicate important projects of the oil and gas sector to the nation in an event organized at Silapathar in Dhemaji, Assam. The Prime Minister will dedicate to the nation the INDMAX Unit at Indian Oil’s Bongaigaon Refinery, Oil India Limited’s Secondary Tank Farm at Madhuban, Dibrugarh and a Gas Compressor Station at Hebeda Village, Makum, Tinsukia. He will also inaugurate the Dhemaji Engineering College and lay the foundation stone for Sualkuchi Engineering College. These projects will usher in an era of energy security and prosperity, and open bright avenues of opportunity for local youth. They are in line with the Prime Minister’s vision of Purvodaya to drive Eastern India’s socio-economic growth.
During his visit to West Bengal, the Prime Minister will inaugurate several railway projects in Hooghly. In a series of tweet, Mr Modi said, the great soil of West Bengal has nurtured extraordinary individuals who have contributed towards national progress. He said, it is our vision and effort to ensure West Bengal gets top quality development. Prime Minister said he will inaugurate the extension of Metro Railway from Noapara to Dakshineswar. This 4.1 kilometre extension has been constructed at a cost of 464 crore rupees. He said, this project is special because it will improve access to the sacred Maa Kali Temples at Kalighat and Dakshineswar. Mr Modi said, these temples are vibrant symbols of India’s great culture.
Prime Minister will also inaugurate the third line between Kalaikunda and Jhargram over a stretch of 30 km of the 132 kilometre long Kharagpur-Adityapur, which was sanctioned with an estimated cost of one thousand 312 crore rupees. These projects will ensure better operational fluidity, less journey time and enhanced safety of train operations as well as boost the overall economic growth of the region.