Over 11 crore 10 lakh COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered so far in the country. These include over 90 lakh Healthcare Workers (HCWs) who have taken the first dose and around 56 lakh HCWs who have taken the second dose, over one crore kh Frontline Workers (FLWs) with first dose and over 50 lakh FLWs with second dose. On the 88th day of nationwide COVID19 vaccination today, over 25 lakh vaccine doses were given across the country.
Out of which over 21 lakh beneficiaries were vaccinated for first dose and around four lakh beneficiaries received second dose of the vaccine.
While 45 thousand COVID Vaccination Centres (CVCs) on an average are functional on any given day in the country, over 67 thousand CVCs were operational today, marking a rise of more than 21 thousand operational Vaccination Centres. Workplace vaccinations have also enabled such a high turnout of beneficiaries. Today was the third day of countrywide Tika Utsav.