Norway Awards Seven Year CBRN Kit Contract to Finnish Firm.

Bertin’s ChemProX can be used as a handheld equipment, a stand-off component, or as part of a field deployable network. Photo, Bertin Environics.

Norway has awarded a seven-year framework contract to Finland’s Bertin Environics for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense (CBRN) squad kits.

Bertin will supply an undisclosed number of ChemProX handheld chemical detectors and SaphyRad MS multiprobe radiation survey meters to detect and monitor chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals and materials in the field.

The detectors will be supplemented with analog detection papers and customer-designed marking kits.

Bertin said other Norwegian civilian agencies and ministries with CBRN roles will have the opportunity to enhance their own capabilities following the agreement.

ChemProX’s Real-Time Support.

Bertin’s ChemProX is an early warning detector with built-in GPS and group location, wireless connectivity, a chemical database, and a manual to allow first responders and light reconnaissance units to establish safety perimeters with real-time situational awareness.

The detector can be used as handheld equipment, a stand-off component, or as part of a field-deployable network.

Its other features include a simulation mode for training purposes and unmanned aerial and ground vehicle synergy without integration.

The SaphyRad MS is fitted with gamma dose rate measurement and contamination detection features designed for military operations and hazmat team missions.

Its probes allow users to detect and measure alpha, beta, and gamma x-ray radiation in compromised environments.

The device’s durable casing and wide and bright LCD display makes it usable for rapid response, public health, and emergency services at any time of day in all environmental conditions.