Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath, along with Deputy Chief Ministers Brajesh Pathak and Keshav Prasad Maurya undertook a silent march to remember the horrors of partition in Lucknow today on the occasion of Vibhajaan Vibhishika Smriti Diwas.
Akashwani correspondent reports that speaking on the occasion, CM Yogi thanked the Prime Minister for lifting the cover from these dark chapters of our history. He added that what happened in 1947, the same is happening in Pakistan even now, the same is happening in Bangladesh, which used to be known as East Pakistan.
CM Yogi said that India is not just the world’s largest democracy, it is also the mother of democracy. He added that when the feeling of ‘nation first’ becomes the resolution of our lives, then India will soon become the biggest power in the world.The Chief Minister also visited an exhibition that showcased the tragedy that the nation witnessed during the time of partition.