In Jammu and Kashmir, the Customary ‘Beating Retreat’ ceremony marked the culmination of the four-day-long Republic Day celebrations, at the Maulana Azad Stadium, Jammu last evening. Akashvani Jammu correspondent reports that enchanting patriotic tunes by the Brass Bands and Pipe drum Bands of the Armed Forces and J&K Police and the musical performances on “Ae Mere Watan ke Logon” and other mesmerizing musical tunes enthralled the audience.
Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha was the Chief Guest for the ceremony. The ceremony also featured the felicitation of the contingents of J&K Police and Security Forces; Parade Commander, Dy Parade Commander, Ex-Servicemen, officials of Civil Administration; marching contingents of cadets from NCC (Boys & Girls), cultural performers, children with special needs and Tableaux of different departments by the Lieutenant Governor for their outstanding display at the grand event. The LG was also awarded the winners of the Patriotic Song Singing competition organized by the
. The Beating Retreat ceremony was concluded with the ever-popular ‘Saare Jahan Se Achha’ with a simultaneous display of spectacular fireworks and sound & light display followed by the National Anthem.
The Lieutenant Governor also honored the winners of the Patriotic Song Singing competition, organized by the Department of Information and Public Relations. The ceremony concluded with the iconic Saare Jahan Se Achha, accompanied by a spectacular fireworks display and a synchronized sound and light show, followed by the National Anthem.