Punjab govt announces financial assistance hike for  acid attack victims.

Punjab government has made the scheme of financial assistance to Acid attack victims gender neutral and has also increased the monthly financial assistance to the victims from Rs. 8000 to Rs. 10,000. 

A decision to this effect was taken in the meeting of the Council of Ministers held under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister, yesterday.

The scheme has been renamed as ‘The Punjab Financial Assistance to Acid Victims Scheme, 2024’ thereby including the male and transgender’s victims also in it, besides females. 

The scheme “The Punjab Financial Assistance to Acid Victims Scheme” was launched by the Department of Social Security And Women & Child Development, Government of Punjab in the year 2017. The objective of the Scheme is to provide monthly Financial Assistance to females who have been rendered 40% disabled due to acid attack. This scheme is fully state-sponsored.