The Rajasthan High Court on Friday Ordered ‘Status Quo’ till Monday on the hearing of whether Sachin Pilot and other rebel Congress leaders can be disqualified by the Rajasthan Assembly Speaker. This means there will be no action against Sachin Pilot and the other dissent MLAs, at least till Monday.
Earlier, the High Court had allowed team Pilot’s eleventh-hour request to add the centre to the case so it can weigh in on whether the anti-defection law applies to them.
On Thursday, the Supreme Court had refused to stop the High Court from delivering the verdict that is likely to impact the revolt-hit Congress government in Rajasthan, saying the “voice of dissent” cannot be suppressed in a democracy.
Meanwhile, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has indicated that he is preparing for a floor test after his meeting with the Governor last evening.