A 20-year-old nephew of Abid Pradhan, a rival of slain gangster-politician Atiq Ahmad, was shot dead allegedly over a domestic dispute in this Uttar Pradesh district, police said on Saturday. Puramufti SHO Upendra Pratap Singh told PTI that Sahil was shot dead following a domestic dispute. He was killed at Mariyadih Cachar in the Puramufti area.
The accused Abu Shaad alias Teena, the brother of Pradhan’s first wife, has been absconding since the murder. Pradhan’s son-in-law Zaid was allegedly abducted by Ahmad and his henchmen. Pradhan is the litigant in the case.
Assistant Commissioner of Police (Dhumanganj) Varun Kumar said the victim’s family and the accused are residents of Mariyadih and are related.
Teams from the Special Operations Group and the police station are conducting raids to nab Shaad.
Kumar said Sahil’s body has been sent to SRN Hospital for post-mortem and further legal action is being taken.