Jharkhand police have again achieved success in curbing cybercrime by arresting 6 Cyber criminals from the Jamtara district of Jharkhand.
In a vigorous action being taken by the Superintendent of Police Ehtesham Waqarib of Jamtara district, 6 cyber criminals involved in cybercrime have been arrested.
SP Waqarib in a press conference said that these criminals have formed a gang across the country and have committed a total cyber fraud of more than Rs 10 crore by misappropriating and breaching data from government bank accounts. The SP also apprised that further investigation in this case is still going on.
Around 14 mobiles, 23 SIM cards, 10 ATM cards, one laptop, two four-wheelers, one camera, and one drone camera along with rupees 1,08,800 in cash have been recovered from these criminals.