A month-old bridge inaugurated by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and built at a cost of over Rs 260 crore collapsed after heavy rain yesterday in Bihar’s Gopalganj. Over Rs 260 crore was spent on the bridge built on river Gandak in Gopalganj, around 150 km from Patna.
A portion of the Sattarghat Bridge crumbled and fell into the river after the water level increased. Bihar has received heavy monsoon rain in the last four days.
Reports quoting officials say the culverts connecting the road to the bridge could not withstand the water pressure. Large tracts around the area are under flood waters.
The 1.4 km long Sattarghat Bridge was thrown open to the public on June 16. The construction of the bridge was started eight years ago by the Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman Nigam Ltd.