The India Meteorological Department said the national capital last week recorded a minimum temperature of 12.5 degrees Celsius which is the lowest in October in 26 years.
According to IMD, the normal minimum temperature for this time of the year is usually 15 to 16 degrees Celsius. Also Read – Delhi’s India Islamic Cultural Centre Signboard Defaced; Retaliation For France Terrorist Attacks, Claims Hindu Sena
“Delhi recorded a minimum temperature of 12.5 degrees Celsius (at Safdarjung) today, the lowest in the month of October after 1994,” Kuldeep Srivastava, India Meteorological Department, said.
According to Kuldeep, Delhi had on on October 31, 1994 recorded a minimum of 12.3 degrees Celsius . Delhi had also recorded an all-time lowest temperature (9.4 degrees Celsius) on October 31, 1937.
Giving further updates, the IMD said that the minimum temperature is likely to dip to 11 degrees Celsius by November 1.
Talking about the lower temperature in Delhi, the IMD said that the absence of cloud cover was the major reason for such situation this time. Clouds trap some of the outgoing infrared radiation and radiate it back downward, warming the ground. He said another reason is calm winds which allow formation of mist and fog.