Uttar Pradesh Police has said that the accused in the Goraknath Temple attack case was in contact with ISIS terrorists and sympathisers through social media. Addressing a press conference, ADG Law and Order Prashant Kumar said, Ahmad Murtaza Abbasi had also sent money to many countries, to support the terror activities of ISIS.
Prashant Kumar said that the accused, via his bank accounts, sent around 8.5 lakh rupees to support ISIS terror activities via organistion related to ISIS supporters in different countries in Europe and America.
Abbasi, a resident of Gorakhpur, tried to forcibly enter the Gorakhnath temple premises on April 3 and attacked security personnel with a sickle, injuring two constables of UP Police. He was soon overpowered by other security staff and arrested. Abbasi was arrested by Bengaluru Police in 2014 for being in connection with ISIS propaganda activist Mehdi Masroor Biswas.