Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has rejected Aam Aadmi Party Convener Arvind Kejriwal’s allegation that during a recent Delhi Development Authority (DDA) meeting the land use of the Shakur Basti area has been changed.
He termed the allegation as baseless saying the DDA has neither changed the Land Use of this colony nor has given any eviction or demolition notice.
He added that during DDA’s meeting two of AAP’s MLAs were present. Mr Saxena alleged that the AAP leader is deliberately misleading people. He urged him to stop making such statements otherwise DDA would take action against him.
Meanwhile, the BJP has also questioned Mr Kejriwal over the issue. Party leader Harish Khurrana accused Mr Kejriwal and his party leaders of having the habit of spreading rumours, which is being exposed now. He also asked the AAP convener to apologize to the people over the issue.