Delhi Chief Electoral Officer has received over 4.8 lakh forms for new voter registrations and more than 82,000 applications for deletion from electoral rolls in the national capital since 29th November this year.
In a statement, the CEO informed that the final electoral roll of Delhi will be published on 6th January next year, adding that it is actively conducting the Special Summary Revision of electoral rolls with the qualifying date set as January 1, 2025. The poll body also said that FIRs have been filed against eight individuals for submitting false documents for voter registration in the Okhla assembly constituency.
It reminded citizens that having multiple entries in the electoral roll and multiple voter ID cards is a punishable offense. The ruling Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi and opposition BJP have been trading charges against each other over the deletion and addition of names in the electoral roll ahead of assembly polls in the city.
This process is being carried out as per the instructions of the Election Commission of India, ensuring that the electoral rolls remain updated and inclusive for all eligible voters, it said.
During the pre-revision period, house-to-house verification was carried out from August 20, 2024, to October 18, 2024, by Booth Level Officers. This exercise aimed to identify unregistered eligible citizens, prospective voters turning 18 by October 1, 2025, as well as permanently shifted or deceased electors and duplicate entries.