All markets and Malls will open in the national capital from today with certain restrictions. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced more relaxations in lockdown restrictions as a part of reopening the National Capital in a phased-manner. As per the new directions, all market complexes and malls can now re-open from 10 am to 8 pm without following the odd-even criteria.
The restaurants will be allowed to open at 50 percent seating capacity from today. Mr Kejriwal announced that weekly markets will resume activity, but only one market will open in one zone. Mr Kejriwal said, if the number of daily Covid cases spike then Delhi government will again impose curbs. Private offices will run on 50 per cent capacity from 9 AM to 5 PM. Although religious places will also open, no visitors will be allowed.
Meanwhile, the Covid recovery rate in the National Capital Delhi continues its upward trajectory with positivity rate declining to nearly 0.35 percent. The Delhi Government has said that a total of 255 new confirmed cases of Coronavirus infection were reported in the national capital yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 376 people recovered and 23 deaths were reported in the city. Presently, the total number of active cases of COVID-19 in the national capital is three thousand 466.
More than 83 thousand 286 beneficiaries were vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours in Delhi. With this, more than 60 lakh 72 thousand vaccine doses have been administered so far.