In a devastating incident that unfolded in Bhawanpur’s Rali Chauhan village, located in Meerut district of Western Uttar Pradesh, five 5 Kanwariya pilgrims lost their lives while several others sustained injuries during a religious procession. The unfortunate incident occurred as a group of Kanwariyas, devout followers of Lord Shiva, were returning from their pilgrimage to the Holy Ganges River in Haridwar.
As the procession, accompanied by celebratory music, made its way into the village, a harrowing mishap occurred. The vehicle carrying the Kanwariyas inadvertently came into contact with a dangerously low-hanging high-tension power line. The result was catastrophic as the high-voltage current surged through the vehicle and into the gathered crowd, knocking down devotees in rapid succession, leaving no time for anyone to react.
Chaos ensued as horrified villagers immediately contacted the power station, desperately urging them to shut down the electricity supply. However, despite their frantic efforts, many lives were already lost, forever changing the fate of the community. Tragically, Manish, one of the pilgrims, was declared dead at the scene. In the days that followed, four more victims succumbed to their injuries, while five others continue to receive treatment in various hospitals, with two reported to be in critical condition.
The heart-wrenching tragedy sparked an outpouring of anger and grief among the villagers. In a collective display of their discontent, they staged a protest by blocking a road, demanding swift action against the officials of the electricity department who they believed were negligent, resulting in the fatal accident. The villagers’ plea for accountability and justice highlighted the profound tension that gripped the community in the aftermath of the incident.