Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has said that the transport sector in India is transforming rapidly with the growing use of bio-fuels in all kinds of vehicles. He said, bio-fuels and low cost battery technology will transform the transport sector in India.
Addressing the World Conference organized by the BRICS Network University, Mr Gadkari said that the country has also made huge progress with regard to low cost battery technology. He said, this transformation is not only good for the sustainability and health of the environment but is also opening up new livelihoods in the country.
Mr Gadkari called upon IITs to take on research in innovative technology that can further revolutionize e-mobility. The Minister also called for greater research cooperation among the BRICS countries in this sector.
A three day virtual Conference of BRICS Network Universities on the theme of electric mobility was inaugurated at IIT Bombay yesterday. This conference is part of the engagements that India is hosting under the education stream of the 13th BRICS Summit this year.
Secretary, Higher Education, Amit Khare expressed hope that these interactions between the best minds from the BRICS countries will benefit each member country in their shared quest for sustainability and inclusive growth.