38 Year Old Diagnosed With Mpox In Kerala.

September 18, 2024 7:50 PM.

In Kerala, a 38 year old man admitted to the Manjeri Medical College Hospital in Malappuram district has been confirmed to be infected with Mpox (monkeypox) virus. Samples of the man, who arrived from Dubai recently, were sent for testing, which confirmed the viral infection. This is the first Mpox case reported in the state.

The state government has set up isolation wards in all major government hospitals and appointed nodal medical officers to tackle Mpox cases.

Mpox is an infectious viral disease,  which can be transmitted through close contact with infected persons, material or animals. Common symptoms of the disease include rash, fever, sore throat, head ache, back pain, swollen lymph nodes among others.

The World Health Organisation has declared Mpox a public health emergency of international concern in 2022 and again in last month.