Israel Mulls Emergency Unity Government After Hamas Terror Attack, Report.

PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz spoke yesterday and discussed the possibility of joining the government to counter the emergency triggered by rocket attacks from Gaza.

Updated, October 08, 2023. 5:15 pm IST.

Jerusalem: Top Israeli leaders have discussed the possibility of setting aside their differences and forming an emergency national unity government to deal with the complex situation following the unprecedented attack by Hamas terrorists that has killed at least 300 Israelis.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz spoke yesterday and discussed the possibility of joining Mr Netanyahu’s government because of the emergency triggered by Saturday’s infiltration and rocket attacks from Gaza, Ha’aretz newspaper reported.

The two opposition leaders expressed their willingness, but Yair Lapid demanded far-right leaders and ministers, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, be removed.

Benny Gantz has also agreed to join the two, the report said.

Mr Netanyahu reportedly said that he offered the two leaders to join the wide emergency government when they met him for a security briefing, citing past Likud leader Menachem Begin’s example of joining then PM Levi Eshkol’s government on the eve of the 1967 war.

Opposition leader Lapid however refuted those claims saying that it was he who presented the option to form a government following a briefing with PM Netanyahu. Yair Lapid was the PM before Benjamin Netanyahu returned to power last December.

Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that he is considering positively joining a government centred around the security situation. He has also served as the Chief of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in the past.

Lapid reportedly said he had told Prime Minister Netanyahu that “during this emergency, I am willing to set aside all disagreements, form a professional, limited emergency government to manage the difficult, complex, and lengthy campaign we are facing”.

In a statement, Mr Lapid said PM Netanyahu was aware that “his radical and non-functional” cabinet couldn’t manage a war.

“I have no doubt that former Defense Minister Benny Gantz will also join such a government,” he reportedly said.

An emergency government “would make it clear to our enemies that an overwhelming majority of Israeli citizens stand behind the IDF and the defence bodies,” Lapid stressed.

Benny Gantz’s party, National Unity, on the other hand, said that they are willing to join an emergency government unconditionally, which can include Ben-Gvir and Smotrich serving as National Security and Finance Ministers respectively.

A source, who presented himself as a high-ranking party official to The Ha’aretz, said that the National Unity party wants “to be able to make proper security decisions”.

“If we will have enough meaningful power, Ben-Gvir will become a pawn. We won’t break up the government as this will be a gift to Hamas. We will do anything to win this war, and then we will leave the government,” he reportedly said.