Indian skipper Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma have been blessed with a baby girl. The legendary cricketer himself took to social media to make the good news public. In a short note, he said that the mother-infant duo are healthy. He also urged everyone to respect their privacy.
“We are thrilled to share with you that we have been blessed with a baby girl this afternoon. We thank you all for your love, prayers and good wishes,” the note reads.
“Anushka and the baby are both healthy and we are feeling beyond blessed to start this new chapter of our life. We hope that you can respect our privacy at this time,” Kohli further says.
A day earlier, Kohli called out the racial abuse issue that has hit the cricket field. He said that racism is absolutely unacceptable. “Having gone through many incidents of really pathetic things said on the boundary Iines, this is the absolute peak of rowdy behaviour.
It’s sad to see this happen on the field. The incident needs to be looked at with absolute urgency and seriousness and strict action against the offenders should set things straight for once,” Kohli tweeted on Sunday.