Haryana government on Friday declared that the movie ‘The Kashmir Files’ will be tax-free in the state. An official notification issued by the Excise and Taxation Department on Friday stated that the order will remain in force for six months from today.
It also stated that the Government of Haryana has allowed for reimbursement of State GST on entry to an exhibition of the film ‘The Kashmir Files’ in cinemas theatres of the State from the date of this order subject to conditions. “The cinema theatres/multiplexes shall neither make increase in the amount of entry free nor shall make any change in the capacity of seats of different classes,” read the first condition.
As per the order, the registered taxpayer (multiplex/cinema theatres) during the period of reimbursement allowed by this order should not charge State GST from the customers and the tickets will be sold at a price-reducing the amount of State GST. “The tickets sold for entry to an exhibition of the film during the period of this order should bear prominently the words ‘State GST not collected by the orders of Government of Haryana’,” it read.
“The registered taxpayers of the multiplex/cinema theatre shall file returns and deposit tax on the entry fee charged from the customers on entry to an exhibition of the film ‘The Kashmir Files’ from its own resources in a similar manner as being deposited for other films,” it stated.