Priyanka Chopra has finally revealed her daughter Malti Marie’s face! The actor recently attended an event in Los Angeles where her husband Nick Jonas along with Kevin and Joe Jonas revealed the Hollywood Walk of Fame star. As Jonas brothers took the centre stage, Priyanka sat in the first row with daughter Malti Marie, cheering for them. Photos of Malti Marie have now gone viral on social media. Check them out here:
Doesn`t she look extremely adorable? Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas tied the knot in a Christian and a Hindu ceremony in Jodhpur`s Umaid Bhawan Palace on December 1 and 2 in 2018. Later, the couple also hosted two receptions in Delhi and Mumbai.
Earlier this year, the couple welcomed their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas via surrogacy in January last year. Meanwhile, on the work front, Priyanka will be seen in international projects such as `It`s All Coming Back To Me`, and the series `Citadel`.