Bollywood actors Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have been blessed with a baby boy on Sunday. Designer Manish Malhotra announced the good news on his Instagram story today and wrote: “Congratulations, Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan.”
Riddhima Kapoor Sahni also congratulated the couple. Kareena Kapoor Khan was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai last night at 4:45 am today.
Ahead of the birth of their second kid, Kareena and Saif had shifted to a bigger home, which is just opposite to their former house. They are parents to four-year-old Taimur Ali Khan.
The couple announced their second pregnancy in August last year. “We are very pleased to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family. Thank you to all our well-wishers for all their love and support,” the couple said in a joint statement.
Kareena Kapoor will be next seen in Aamir Khan starrer Laal Singh Chaddha. She wrapped work on her next film while she was pregnant.
She also taped some episodes of What Women Want, the radio show she hosts. Kareena was last seen in Irrfan Khan’s final film Angrezi Medium and, before that, Good Newwz. Laal Singh Chaddha, a remake of Hollywood classic Forrest Gump, also stars Vijay Sethupathi and is expected to release this December.