Actress Meera Biswas, mother of renowned actress Seema Biswas of the Bandit Queen fame, passed away after a prolonged illness in a hospital in Guwahati on Tuesday. She was 77. A resident of Nalbari town, Meera Biswas was born in Nagaon district. She was associated with performing arts since her school days. Her husband Jagadish Chandra Biswas encouraged her to take up acting. She performed in Assamese films Sarapat and Ratnakar.
Her acting in plays Kio, Moi Rahmote Koiso, Siraj, and Emuthi Saul is still alive in the hearts of the audience. She also earned national frame through her acting in Water directed by Dipa Mehta. She also received the Jivan Silpi Adya Sarma Award.
Before her demise, she had been residing at Beltola. Besides Seema Biswas, she leaves behind a son and three daughters.