Heavy to very heavy rainfall continues to lash over parts of Maharashtra on Monday with Indian Meteorological Department issuing an ‘orange’ alert at isolated places in Palghar, Raigad, Ratnagiri, and Sindhudurg districts. At least 19 people have been killed in rain-related incidents in the last 10 days in parts of the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, where nearly 4,500 houses were damaged due to heavy rains. A landslide occurred on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway in Raigad district on Sunday night, which blocked the movement of traffic towards Mumbai. Nobody was injured in the landslide.
In Himachal Pradesh, the Chamba District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has issued an advisory amid IMD rain warning between 24th to 27th July in the district.
Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday spoke to Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena to enquire about the flood-like situations prevailing in the respective regions. The torrential rains have wreaked havoc in various parts of the country, affecting Gujarat’s southern and Saurashtra regions and leading to the escalation of water levels in the Yamuna river in Delhi.
In Gujarat, heavy to very heavy rains pounded several districts in the southern and Saurashtra regions on Saturday, causing widespread flooding in urban areas and isolating villages. The water levels in dams and rivers have surged to dangerous levels, necessitating immediate intervention to aid affected communities.