The Delhi Police on Friday arrested 44 people for violence at Singhu border following a clash between farmers and a large group ‘local’ residents.
The Delhi Police said among the people arrested is 22-year-old Ranjeet Singh from Punjab, who attacked SHO (Alipur) Pradeep Paliwal with a sword. He has been charged with attempt to murder and obstructing public servant.
Trouble began at around 1.30 pm on Friday, when nearly 200 people from local villagers reached the Singhu border and demanded that the protesters vacate the area and open the border.
“They said that they have been providing all kind of help to the protesters for the last two months but now the protest is affecting their livelihood. Hence, they requested them to vacate the road. They had come on Thursday as well with the same request,” Additional Delhi Police PRO Anil Mittal told the media.