In a veiled attack to India’s neighbourers India’s Permanent Representative to UN, TS Tirumurti has said that some countries are busy taking undue advantage of COVID-19 to spread ‘divisive disinformation’ or to enhance even more their ‘support to terrorism’ or to adopt ‘aggressive policies.’
Explaining India’s response to the pandemic globally he said “India’s answer has been to immediately come to the support of countries vulnerable to the pandemic rush urgently needed medical supplies, strengthen national health capacities and mitigate the diverse socio-economic impact of this crisis.”
Marking the third year of India-UN Development Partnership Fund within the United Nations Fund for South-South, Tirumurti said ‘it embodies the spirit of South-South cooperation’. He added that it is guided by the priorities of the partner countries to foster sustainable development and is completely demand-driven.
Established in 2017, the India-UN Development Partnership Fund focuses on least developed countries and small island developing states. United Nations agencies implement the projects in close collaboration with partnering governments.