The 20-year-old Dalit woman who was gangraped in Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras a fortnight ago, following which she was admitted to the AMU’s Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and Hospital and was later shifted to AIIMS in Delhi after her condition deteriorated, breathed her last today morning. She was moved to AIIMS yesterday.
All four attackers are in jail. The woman belonged to the Scheduled Castes community, while the attackers were from a so-called upper caste. The incident, coming in a wave of crimes against women in Uttar Pradesh in recent months, sparked nationwide shock and anger as details of the woman’s injuries emerged.
The woman’s family has accused the Uttar Pradesh police of not helping them initially but reacting only after public outrage.
The woman was attacked on September 14 at her village in Hathras, some 200 km from Delhi. She was dragged by her dupatta into the fields from a spot where she had been cutting grass with her family.