Four passengers on a train from Jaipur to Mumbai were fatally shot by the Railway Protection Force (RPF jawan). The victims included three passengers and a RPF Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI).
Railway Protection Force Constable Chetan shot all four victims. The incident happened around 5 am on Monday between Vapi to Borivali to Mira Road station. The accused constable has been detained by Mumbai Railway Police.
“An RPF constable opened fire inside a moving Jaipur Express Train after it crossed Palghar Station. He opened fire on one RPF ASI and three other passengers before jumping from the train close to Dahisar Station. The accused constable has been detained along with his weapon. More details awaited,” the Western Railways said in a statement.
Four casualties, including the ASI, have been recorded in the fire incident inside the Jaipur Express train (12956), according to the Railway Protection Force, which confirmed the incident