Guwahati Commissioner of Police Diganta Barah has urged the residents to revel in the festivities of Diwali and Kali Puja while strictly adhering to guidelines set by the administration. In a press conference held in Guwahati yesterday Barah emphasized that disobedience of the prescribed rules would be dealt with sternly. Expressing optimism about the enthusiastic celebration of the festivals, Barah highlighted the importance of following guidelines established by the Supreme Court and Kamrup district administration. He specifically addressed the ban on crackers containing barium nitrate, permitting only the use of green crackers as defined by the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI).
Barah provided insight into identifying green crackers, explaining that they have reduced shell size, omit ash, and minimize the use of raw materials such as aluminum, barium, potassium nitrate, or carbon. Customers were advised to check for the CSIP and NEERI logos on firecracker packaging, both labeled in green, to ensure compliance with green standards. He further outlined the types of crackers falling under the ‘green’ category, including flower pots, pencils, sparkles, chakkars, and bombs, with a noise level below 125db. Shop owners intending to sell firecrackers were directed to obtain permission from the district Deputy Commissioners of Police in the three police districts—Dispur East, Dispur Central, and Dispur West.
Barah appealed to the public to refrain from bursting crackers in silent zones within the city and to limit the activity to the designated time frame of 8 pm to 10 pm. This measured approach aimed to balance the enjoyment of the festive season with environmental and safety considerations. The Commissioner’s proactive stance on responsible celebration not only ensures a safer and quieter festive season but also reflects a commitment to environmental sustainability. As Guwahati gears up for Diwali and Kali Puja, the call for adherence to guidelines underscores the importance of collective responsibility in making celebrations joyous yet mindful of community well-being.