In Tamil Nadu, the Regional Met department has forecast more rains for another two days. According to the latest information, due to the prevailing low pressure in the Bay of Bengal, heavy to very heavy rains are expected in Chennai, Kanchipuram, Tiruvallur and Chengalpet in the next 24 hours.
Moderate rains are expected in delta and western districts of the State tomorrow. The Met Department has said, the low pressure will weaken after two days. Fishermen have been advised not to venture into the seas.
The Northeast Monsoon has entered its next phase, with a deep depression forming in the southwest and southeast Bay of Bengal. The weather system is likely to intensify and move towards the Sri Lanka-Tamil Nadu coasts.
Due to severe inundation, police have implemented diversions below the flyover. On the other hand, the weather department has predicted heavy rainfall at isolated locations in Puducherry and Karaikal from December 10th to 13th and again on December 16th.