Bollywood actor Asif Basra was found hanging in a private complex in Dharamshala. The actor was reportedly found hanging at his rented complex in Himachal Pradesh. While the cause of death is not known yet, it is suspected to be a case of suicide. A forensic team has reached the spot and an investigation in the matter is underway.
“He hanged himself around 12-12.30 today. We are investigating the matter. We have sent the body for post-mortem… Prima facie it is a case of suicide,” Kangra Senior Superintendent of Police Vimukt Ranjan told reporters here. The actor’s body was recovered by police officials, he said. Further details are awaited, Ranjan added.
Basra had reportedly leased a property in McLeodganj, Upper Dharamshala, about five-six years ago and visited the place regularly.
The news of the sudden death of the character actor, which comes months after Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput was found hanging at his residence in Mumbai on June 14, led to shock in the industry with several of his colleagues expressing their grief.
“What? This is too shocking!! Shot with him just before Lockdown!!! Oh My God!!!” tweeted actor Manoj Bajpayee.