Delhi Climate Change Effect. One Dead In Last 24 Hours Due To Heatstroke.

June 23, 2024 8:10 PM.

In the ongoing heatwave in Delhi, one person has lost their life at Safdarjung Hospital in the past 24 hours due to heatstroke. According to hospital authorities, only one person was admitted for heatstroke yesterday.

The hospital currently has 15 patients with heat-related illnesses, out of which 10 are in critical condition. Since June 16, there have been 67 admissions due to heat-related illnesses, with the death toll reaching reaching 30 to date.

The hospital authorities said that sensitisation programs were conducted for all healthcare providers during the pre-heatwave stage. All doctors and nursing staff are trained in triaging and acute management of suspected heat-related illness patients. Designated beds have been assigned and prepared for active management of suspected heat-related illnesses patients. These beds are equipped with all facilities including ventilators and monitors.

The hospital also mentioned that a meeting of all stakeholders was conducted immediately in response to a sudden rise in the number of suspected cases. Additional manpower and resources have been mobilized from all corners.