Veteran Bollywood actor Jagdeep, best known for his character as Soorma Bhopali in Sholay, died on Wednesday at his residence. He was 81. According to sources, the actor had not been keeping well for quite some time.
“He passed away at 8.30 pm at his residence in Bandra. He was not keeping well because of age related issues,”
producer Mehmood Ali, a family friend, told the press.
Jagdeep will be laid to rest at a cemetery in south Mumbai around 11.30 am on Thursday, he added.
The last of the comic icons in the tradition of seniors Johnny Walker and Mehmood, the actor had a prolific career that lasted beyond 400 films and many memorable roles.
Jagdeep, whose real name was Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed Jafri, started his journey in cinema with the 1951 film “Afsana”, which marked filmmaker BR Chopra’s directorial debut.
It was a riches-to-rags story for child Jagdeep, whose family’s fortunes declined after his father’s death and the Partition.