At least six people were killed and several injured in a boiler blast at a power plant in Tamil Nadu’s Cuddalore district on Wednesday. This is the second blast at the power plant in three months, with eight people being injured in the last accident. All the injured have been moved to the hospital and investigation was underway as the plant was not functional.
The blast took place at a power plant of the central government-owned NLC India Limited (formerly known as Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited) in Cuddalore, about 180 km from state capital Chennai.
An official of the power plant told the media that the boiler was not in operation. “We are investigating the incident,” the official said.
Earlier in May, eight workers suffered burn injuries in a similar incident. The workers, who were injured in the boiler blast, included both regular and contractual employees. The company generates 3,940-megawatt electricity. The plant where the blast took place accounts for 1,470 megawatts. The company employs 27,000, including 15,000 contractual workers.