The Enforcement Directorate has provisionally attached assets of Aam Adami Party leader Manish Sisodia and other accused worth over 52 crore rupees in the Delhi Liquor scam case. Other accused whose assets were attached include Amandeep Singh Dhall, Rajesh Joshi, Gautam Malhotra, and others.
According to the ED, the attached assets include immovable properties worth over 7.29 crore rupees of Manish Sisodia and Seema Sisodia, Rajesh Joshi, and Gautam Malhotra.
The ED has attached over 128 crore rupees in the case so far and the proceeds of crime involved around one thousand 934 crore rupees. In the Delhi Liquor scam case, the ED had arrested 12 persons so far and has filed 05 prosecution complaints. Further investigation is in process in the case.