Tamil Nadu State Electricity Minister Senthil Balaji was arrested by the enforcement directorate early morning today. He was admitted in Government General Hospital on complaint of severe chest pain after 17 hours of enquiry. AIR correspondent reports that there is no formal announcement on the arrest. He has been kept under CRPF protection.
Balaji broke down while being taken into custody by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials for questioning in connection with an alleged money laundering case in the wee hours of Wednesday. V Senthil Balaji, who is a Minister for Electricity, Prohibition and Excise in the DMK-led Tamil Nadu government, has been formally arrested by the federal probe agency.
The investigating agency took the DMK leader for questioning, after raiding his premises on Tuesday. Soon after this, ED brought Balaji to Omandurar government hospital in Chennai for medical examination amid tight security in the wee hours of Wednesday.