Pakistan’s currency fell to a record low of ₹ 255 against the US dollar on Thursday, according to local media reports. The tumble comes after the cash-strapped government relaxed its grip on the exchange rate to win much-needed loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Pakistan’s money exchange companies removed the limit on the dollar-rupee rate from Wednesday, and said they will let the local currency drop slowly in the open market.
The Pakistani rupee fell by ₹ 24 and was trading at ₹ 255 against the US dollar at 1 pm, the Express Tribune reported.
The IMF had asked the Pak government to end its control and let market forces determine the currency rate, a condition that was readily accepted. Pakistan has been looking to win the global body’s approval to get $6.5 billion in funding which is currently stalled.
While Pakistan won an IMF bailout last year, the release of funds has been stalled this year.